Lee Friedlander, born in 1934, began photographing the American social landscape in 1948. With an ability to organize a vast amount of visual information in dynamic compositions, Friedlander has made humorous and poignant images among the chaos of city life, dense landscape and countless other subjects. Friedlander's work was included in the highly influential 1967 New Documents exhibition, curated by John Szarkowski at the Museum of Modern Art. Later, Lee Friedlander was the subject of a major traveling retrospective and catalog organized by the Museum of Modern Art in 2005. The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, exhibited Friedlander’s complete series of 192 photographs comprising the artist’s most recent body of work in 2010, America by Car. The same year, the Yale University Art Gallery and Yale’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library acquired Lee Friedlander’s archive in 2010. In 2011, Yale University Press published a highly praised catalog of Friedlander’s selfportraits spanning his entire career, entitled In the Picture: Self-Portraits 1958-2011. The artist lives and works in New City, New York.