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Das Neue Sortimentistda, 2006

Das Neue Sortimentistda, 2006

Das Neue Sortimentistda, 2006

Das Neue Sortimentistda, 2006

Press Release

Marc Selwyn Fine Art is pleased to announce an exhibition of drawings and paintings by German-born artist Kati Heck. This is the artist’s first solo show in Los Angeles. The opening reception will take place Saturday, June 3 from 6:00-8:00pm. The artist will be present and will stage a performance during the opening.

As a German-born artist living in Belgium, Heck approaches her work with a keen awareness of her nationality, her environment and the context of her childhood. Through painting, photography, drawings, installations and performances, her work responds to the external dangers initiated by society as well as her own interpretation of culture, community and history. Many of her masterly painted and drawn figures, are derived from comic-book heroes or neighbors, friends and family with whom she grew up. Heck is often the protagonist in these eccentric theatrical environments. Surrounded by exquisitely rendered characters and physiques, she functions as a magic fairy who with her work and aura offers a path of change and even enlightenment, protecting us from danger.

Kati Heck was born in Dusseldorf, Germany. She received her Masters degree in painting from the Akademie voor schone Kunsten in Antwerp. Recent solo exhibitions have included Kunst Rai, Amsterdam, and Die Grosse Egale, Gallery Annie Gentils, Antwerp. Her work has been included in several group exhibitions, including Bonds of Love at John Connelly Presents, New York; Short Circuit at Motive Gallery, Amsterdam and Fiesta at Gallery Annie Gentils, Antwerp. Heck currently lives and works in Antwerp.

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